Friday, 15 July 2016

Amazon boasts Prime Day sales were 'biggest' in history of the company

Chock up another "W" for Amazon. On Wednesday, the Seattle-based retailer announced that its second annual Prime Day was the "biggest day in the history of Amazon."
The event was a huge success last year, but it was even bigger this year, Amazon said, with worldwide and U.S. orders up 60 and 50 percent, respectively, from 2015. 
It was also a good day for selling Amazon devices, i.e. the Kindle e-readers and tablets, Fire TV, Fire TV Stick and Amazon Echo products. Amazon says it was the biggest sales day globally ever for Amazon devices.
The Fire TV Stick was the best-selling Amazon Device, with 2.5 times as many sticks sold as last year. In the United States, Amazon sold three times as many Amazon devices as it did last year, and more than 2.5 times as many Amazon Echos. Amazon says it was the biggest day ever for the Echo. That's not surprising, given that Echo can do a lot more now than it could this time last year.
Amazon also sold: 
  • 2 million toys
  • 1 million pairs of shoes
  • 90,000 TVs (TVs were a big category on Prime Day)
  • "Hundreds of thousands" of Kindle e-readers
The Fire TV stick was the best-selling product globally. Excluding Amazon devices, the best-selling item in the U.S. was a pressure cooker. More than 215,000 were sold.
Headphones had a big day too, with 200,000 pairs selling throughout the day. More than 23,000 iRobot Roomba's were sold, as were more than 14,000 Lenovo laptops.
Of course, like last year, some users complained about the tenor of deals. There were some great gets (I personally got an excellent deal on a 4K TV), but lots ofweird stuff too. 
And like last year, Amazon had competition from other retail outlets. Walmart, Best Buy and eBay all ran recent sales to compete with Prime Day. A spokesperson from wouldn't comment on sales figures, other than to say "millions of customers have been saving all month long on"

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